How to delete the yahoo account?

Yahoo as an email account service has blissfully stood the test of time, which is quite commendable. Especially, in the new internet age, where everything is so dispensible and can quickly go out of touch. In that difficult competition, Yahoo has managed to retain its loyal users who maintain their email accounts through Yahoo. This has only been possible due to the features that Yahoo has provided over the years to its users, also they keep updating the features. This helps the users to use Yahoo and make sure that they can communicate with their friends through this social media website. This does not mean that people do not have other intentions and do not want to delete yahoo account. This could be due to various reasons which can be difficult to get into, right now. So, in this article, we will focus on how one can delete their Yahoo account. 


How to delete their Yahoo account?


This is the section, where we will enlighten you with the entire process of deleting your Yahoo email account. The deletion of your Yahoo account can be a tremendously easy process, just follow these steps;


  • The first step if you want to delete yahoo email would be to open the Yahoo webpage on the browser.


  • Then you would have to register to the Yahoo email account and then into the termination page, which is necessary for email deletion. 


  • Perhaps, you must read the information on terminating your account, don't sign up for anything you do not know about.


  • Follow the on-screen directions and continue, then click on the delete option and you're there. You would have successfully deleted your Yahoo email account.